Kamis, 15 Januari 2015

Templates Review ZillaPress - WordPress Magazine / Community Theme

Themeforest Download WordPress Personal ZillaPress - WordPress Magazine / Community Theme

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ZillaPress is a Premium Magazine, Community or Personal Blog theme. It comes packed with an impressive array of custom options and widgets giving you the ability to completely customise your site.

Whether you’re an occasional personal blogger or have a high volume of content, ZillaPress has you covered. Using the theme options and widgets you can control content layout, manage your own advertising, pull in your latest tweets, show your latest video, display your latest photos and much, much more.

Theme Features

  • Valid XHTML Strict 1.0 Tableless Design
  • Full Localisation Support
  • 12 Widget Areas
    • 3 “Main” Widget Areas
    • 3 “Page” Widget Areas
    • 3 “Post Page” Widget Areas
    • 3 Footer Widget Areas
  • 7 Custom Widgets
    • Latest Tweets
    • Tabbed Content
    • 125×125 Ads
    • 300×250 Ad
    • 120×240 Ad
    • Flickr Photos
    • Video Widget
  • Extensive Theme Options
    • Mimics WP UI / No Branding
    • Custom Logo Upload
    • Plain Text Logo Support
    • Custom Favicon Upload
    • Google Analytics Tracking
    • FeedBurner RSS Support
    • FeedBurner RSS to Email Support
    • Author Bios on Post Pages
    • Manage Social Sharing
    • Much More…
  • Content Configuration
    • Featured Post Selection & Display
    • Inbuilt Related Posts (same category)
    • Inbuilt Social Network Sharing
  • WordPress 3.1 Ready
    • 2 Custom Menu Locations with pre-3.0 fallback
    • Post Thumbnail/Featured Image Support
  • jQuery Support
    • jQuery Improved Drop-down Menus
    • jQuery Powered Infinite Carousel
  • Social Networking
    • Enable/disable sharing
    • Select which networks to allow
  • Page Templates
    • Archives Template
    • Full WIdth (no sidebar)
    • jQuery improved Contact Form
  • Optional 468×60 Banner support
  • Pull-quote Shortcodes
  • Layered PSDs for customisation
  • Extensive Documentation

Version History

  • v1.3.3 – 12 December 2012
    • WordPress 3.5 compatibility
  • v1.3.2 – 26 November 2012
    • Jetpack comments fix
    • Tabbed widget compatible with the post-view plugin
    • Banner (Header) option changed to a textarea
  • v1.3.1 – 06 November 2012
    • Twitter widget fixed
  • v1.3 – 01 October 2012
    • Jetpack comments support
  • v1.2 – 10 September 2012
    • Featured slider fixed
    • Featured image (hide option) fixed
    • “Share to Pinterest” added
    • “Share to Google +1” added
  • v1.1 – 05 July 2012
    • Fixed all deprecated functions
    • Updated the jQuery plugins
    • Added WPML Multilingual WordPress plugin compatibility

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