A jQuery powered, animated portfolio template with a featured slideshow, animated services section, YEAR FILTERABLE lightbox enabled portfolio section, a contact section, and a sliding newsletter module.
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Click HereTheme Features
- Valid XHTML 1 .0 Strict, pure CSS layout
- Fully cross browser compatible (IE6 included)
- Single page multi-section slider design
- 5 section layouts included (including the newsletter module)
- Home section with a featured slideshow with customized pager
- Animated services section with featurelist tabs
[Note: Each tab’s content is fully customizable, and not restricted to text. Think “freeform HTML inside a div!”, that’s it. Flash, Javascript, Images, Videos, anything goes.] - YEAR FILTERABLE , animated, colorbox enabled portfolio page
- Animated newsletter section (click the newsletter icon on the slimbar)
- Fully layered PSDs included, all well organized
- Very easy to generate new color schemes (full fledged tutorial included in manual)
- Thorough and in-depth, bookmarked manual included explaining every nook and cranny
- Extensively commented javascript code
- You can ask questions in the item discussion, but I will strongly prefer that you contact me directly by email. It will help me track things more efficiently in an organized way.
Please mention your correct EMAIL when contacting me through themeforest. - Extended support details included in manual

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